
4 Years Ago…

I remember being pregnant with my first son and everyone who had had kids would tell me that they grow up so fast. My response was always, “Yeah, I know.” But honestly, I didn’t expect it to go this fast. Then came my second son and I had a better grasp on how fast they grow and yet it still amazes me. Four years ago my world got a whole lot brighter. Deacon Christopher came into this world. Deacon’s eyes light up a room. There is something about this boy, this little gift from God. Since the moment he could speak he’s kept us laughing. He beats to his own drum. It doesn’t matter to him what other’s like, he likes what he likes and that’s that. He’s observant, he’s comical, and a bit clumsy. If you ask him how many left feet he has, he’ll tell you “two.” He’s as friendly as can be…our friend’s refer to him as “The Mayor.”

I took him to get his pinata yesterday and he told the girl he could show her where they were so she can get it down for him, “After all I am four now,” he tells her. Four years old. I can’t believe it. I just want to hold onto him for dear life. I hope he always wants to be my cooking assistant, my gardener, and my handsome knight coming to rescue his queen. He gives great big hugs just like his dad. I love you Deacon Christopher…more than all the sand in the sea. Happy Birthday.

4 thoughts on “4 Years Ago…

  1. This post is soooo sweet! I am crying at my desk reading this! I really do love your boys!

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