
Benefits of Playing Stay-At-Home Mom

Today I took the day to be a stay-at-home mom. Something I would love to do but unfortunately I need the weekly pay check. Anyway, I compiled a list of ten things I loved about today.

  1. 45 extra minutes of sleep.
  2. Not rushing Logan to school so I can get into work asap. Heart hammering and speeding with an expired license.
  3. All the beds are made. Love this.
  4. Fitting in a treadmill run before 8pm.
  5. Not having to leave Deacon and Finn at my in-laws. I get to enjoy them all to myself. Laughing, crying and all!
  6. Catching up on the laundry during the day. Now I can relax tonight during Grey’s Anatomy.
  7. Getting errands done while NOT on my lunch break.
  8. Not having to ask my father-in-law to pick up Logan from school because Daddy’s cases were taking too long today.
  9. Taking Deacon to Monster Golf while Logan was at school. Logan is petrified of Monster Golf.
  10. Picking up Logan from school, and the smile on his face and his brothers’. Hugs.

They’re little things, but they are things that really make me happy. The day was a lot less stressful, but I’m sure I will still top it off with a glass of wine anyway.

8 thoughts on “Benefits of Playing Stay-At-Home Mom

    1. I love your blog although a little amazed you find time to do it! The perfect solution if you can make it work is to work part time! Then you get to have some days like you did today and some days at work- it’s a nice balance! Great job with the blog! Days like you had today are special! 🙂

  1. Sounds like a great day. Enjoy those special moments at every opportunity. Before you know it they will be 20 and moving away. 🙂 I’m looking at my life now that kids are growning up and I’m able to do the things that I’ve always wanted. (if I don’t, i’ll cry. LOL)

  2. See, that’s the beauty of not being around them day in & day out. I love my Z, but as they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder! Her time at preschool in the mornings has really helped us BOTH.

    It’s great that you were able to cherish this time with them! I hope you get more opportunities to play stay-at-home mom. 🙂

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