Okay, I know I say the word “seriously” quite a bit around the kids. But seriously, they can drive me crazy with some of their demands. “Mom can you make this alligator I drew into a stuffed animal?” To which I reply, “seriously?” Then I find myself sitting on the couch sewing drawing paper ever so carefully while he’s sleeping; as if there aren’t other things I could be doing with my time. Well Logan has picked up my little word…”seriously.” I don’t know why I was so surprised when I first heard him use it. I mean I do say it often, but it just sounds funny when he says it. His eyes roll a bit and his up lip twitches up, “seriously Mom, yeah, really.”
Then I thought of Grey’s Anatomy “Seriously” montage and had to search YouTube to find it.
Don’t you just love having a little parrot? I have two of them (one actually only repeats the other and not me) and it tends to make me feel crazy although sometimes they give me a good laugh. Happy TGIF Eve 😉