I’m not sure if it has to do with the phases of the moon or some other uncontrollable force, but we have phases of bedtime battles. For a while the boys are great. They go through the routine, maybe get out of bed for band-aid or a sip of water, but for the most part they go to bed. Then a switch is flipped and they just don’t go to bed well. They argue, cry, jump around during book time. Nearly drive me completely insane. It’s these times where this mommy tells them that I AM picking out the book tonight. I head over to the bookshelf and grab How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight? by Jane Yolen, with beautiful illustrations done by Mark Teague.

I love this book. It gives them a little reminder of how we are supposed to behave at bedtime…and of course it’s dinosaurs so my boys love it. We don’t mope, sulk, or sigh, we don’t shout for one book more! Just a fun little way of reminding them what bedtime should be like.

I’m going to have to buy this one for our little girl! I can see her being the type to NOT want to go to bed!
My grandson is not quite 9 months old and he has never been one to sleep very long at a time. I can see him resisting bedtime big-time when he gets older! I’ll have to pick this up for him.
I love this one. I want those dinosaurs to come to my house, they are so reliably polite.
I like the one about how a dinosaur cleans his room!
I feel the same way about my boys having their “rest time” each afternoon; 75% of the time it all goes smoothly & we all get a good chunk of downtime. But the other 25% of the time is a complete mess!