
Is It Really Spring? Seriously?

So March 20th marks the first day of spring. It’s been beautiful for weeks. We had such a mild winter. The kids only wore their snow gear twice. I shoveled once. NOW it’s spring. March. Spring. Actual spring weather. Something is up. I’m just not buying it.

I’m dying to put away the boots, snow pants, and heavy sweaters. Introducing bright airy colors to the boys’ wardrobe. Bringing out the patio set and filling the propane tank for the grill. Having the hubs split wood for the fire pit. Getting those darn leaves out of the garden and sticking my hands into the dirt. But I’m scared. I can’t help but think that Mother Nature is playing a cruel joke on us. Any of you New Englanders remember the snow storm of April 1st, 1997? They called it the April Fools Day Blizzard. I remember it. Vividly. I spent two days alone in Philadelphia airport followed by another 8 hours in La Guardia in hopes of one day returning to Providence safely with my $20 in my pocket.

I love spring. I love it for the fresh new start it brings. Everything and everyone seems to come to life again. And I love the cleaning of course. Getting into those places you normally don’t get to. Purging of things you really just don’t need. I just can’t shake this fear that if I start all of this “spring cleaning” that we’re going to be dumped on. Dumped with a foot of snow. Then I’ll be in the basement digging winter clothes back out. What’s going to happen if I give into this spring fever…will it truly last or will I jinx it?

Have you started switching over to spring?

9 thoughts on “Is It Really Spring? Seriously?

  1. I so hear you on this one! As we are walking around in shorts and t-shirts in the middle of March, I can’t help but think the same way. However… I have put away the boots and snowpants cause the long term forecast… at least for the moment in our area (Ontario, Canada) is looking good!
    Take the plunge and go with Spring! I too love everything about Spring! Enjoy the weather 🙂


  2. I remember the April 1, 1997 snow storm! I was at Boston College. Classes were cancelled. There were no cars on the roads, we walked in the middle of the streets and spent the majority of the day at Citysides (a local bar/restaurant). It was a memorable day that I will never forget. I can only imagine that traveling at that time would have been the worst!! 🙁

    I too am extremely skeptical of this weather. Don’t pack it all away just yet…I’m giving it a few more weeks.

  3. A few weeks ago, I was tidying up for guests and put away my winter boots. We’d had a very mild winter and things had melted pretty well. I should have known better, though, because a couple of days later we had another foot of snow dumped on us. I also remember 1997. We had a huge snowstorm, too, and ended up with the flood of the century because of that last snow dump, so I don’t trust Old Man Winter. He can often play cruel jokes on us mere mortals. A friend suggested to keep the winter gear out and accessible. That’s the only way to insure good weather! 🙂

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