
Boys Night Event With Logan

My husband and I always say we need to make a conscious effort to spend one-on-one time with each of the boys. Easier said than done, but we do try. I was able to spend some quality one-on-one with Logan Friday night. They had a boys night event at school. The boys were to invite their “special lady” and arrive at the school at 5:30. So what do they do at boys night? All I could imagine were a bunch of stinky, sweaty, elementary school boys running around like maniacs in the gym. I was ALMOST right, but the majority of them were running around outside. You basically had to maneuver through a game of dodge ball to get to the door. When you made it through the door, preferably unscathed, you got to have your picture taken with your “special lady” (that would be me). He opted out so we took a photo when we got home.

Next we bought raffle tickets and placed the tickets in all the prize baskets he wanted to win. I had to remind him over and over and over that he might not win. The sadness came when he didn’t win. I felt bad, but honestly he only wanted the red parrot kite that we donated to his class’ basket. Seriously, between Star Wars Legos and science kits, he really just wanted the kite. (We stopped at Rite Aid on the way home – what can I say, I felt bad)

We waited in an enormous line for dinner. *note to self – join the PTO and make sure they set up two tables and two lines for next year* Beyond ridiculous. Between my bouncing 6-year-old and the kid behind us sneezing and wiping his nose on his sleeve I had lost my appetite.

Then they had entertainment which was pretty good. What I liked best is that while most of the moms sat at the tables and chatted, my baby boy wanted me to sit on the floor with him. Not only that, as I sat there all criss-cross-applesauce, he plopped his scrawny butt on my lap. Not embarrassed one bit. I know this will most likely change next year, but I sat and savored that very moment. It was the same way he used to sit on my lap while I read him books when he was really little. We laughed together. We sang together. We completely enjoyed each others company. I was then told that I was the “The greatest rock star mom in the whole entire world!” I need to document these moments and read them to him when he’s a teenager and telling me he hates me.

Deacon was a little upset that he didn’t get to go to Boys Night, but I reminded him that next year the three of us get to go. He was also thrilled that we were home in time for Friday Night Movie Night (Chip-wrecked). He greeted us at the door in only his boxers and requested his own photo-op.

13 thoughts on “Boys Night Event With Logan

  1. That’s awesome Logan wanted to sit with you like that. Definitely enjoy it while you can.

    Deacon’s Friday night attire is very similar to mine this past Friday when I was left “Home Alone” while Tammy went out for Margarita Madness with The Bitches (her friends from high school). hahaha…

    Deacon will be sad when he has to wear clothes next year. 🙂

  2. It’s nice to have those memories. You should print out your blogs about them and put them in an album, or bind them, or find some other way to preserve them so you can bring them out when you need to remind the boys that you aren’t completely lame when they’re teenagers! Or just keep the notes you’ve made about your activities with them for your own interest.

    My mom used to write letters to my grandparents when they went away in the winter, hoping that they would value the information about us kids and save the letters so she could go back and read them when we were older. Unfortunately, my grandparents threw them out. Mom was very disappointed because that was really the only record she had of our growing-up years. She’d been too busy chasing us to write a journal or diary.

  3. SO cute! I bet you had a great time and truly enjoyed your night. Treasure the moments like these. They go by so fast! I love those lil guys

  4. I love that! Their “special lady”…men get their “father’s day” at school or the daddy daughter dance. It is good to hear that women are getting their day too! Even better to have one on one with any one of your kids. I know how hard that is to come by! Enjoy it while you can 😉

    PS – wearing clothes does suck so let him go without as long as it is appropes!

  5. I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading your posts and I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! The details of the award are on my page.

  6. Love it! And from the other side of that serving line – please do join your PTO! I know they would appreciate you input, energy & a helping hand!!!!

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