
What’s In Your Treasure?

treasure box
Okay I’ve had enough of winter, the cold, the numbing cold. We were trapped in the house the entire weekend aside from a little trip over to my parents’ house. Going to a germ infested indoor playground was not going to happen. No thank you to that. I’m running out of ideas for some indoor fun. I took a quick trip over Michaels Crafts to look around and find something that was fun but not too overwhelming for them to handle by themselves. I grabbed three little treasure chests. They were perfect and even better, they were only a dollar each.

When I got home I gathered the paints and let them go to work. The three of them sat intently working on their masterpieces. While they were drying, the kids went around the house finding “treasures” to put in their boxes. What made this little purchase even better is that they asked what chores they could do so they could put some real money in their boxes. Win-win for this mommy!

making treasure boxes

What have you been doing to get through these cold winter months trapped indoors?

12 thoughts on “What’s In Your Treasure?

  1. At youth group I had the kids decorate short clear plastic tumblers with stick-on craft foam shapes. Then we filled them with dirt and topped with grass seed. Now we are waiting for the grass to grow.

  2. what a fun activity. we are having the same kind of week. trapped inside! i don’t want to go anywhere where the germs are everywhere. off to get some supplies tomorrow. 🙂

  3. This winter is getting soooo long! I’m in the same boat as you…I don’t want to go to an indoor playground during the height of flu season yet my kids need to expel some energy before we all lose our marbles!

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