One piece of equipment that I feel is definitely worth its value is a jump rope. You can bring it anywhere. Throw it in your briefcase, suitcase, or diaper bag. No excuses. You can get a decent jump rope for $10 to $20. Jumping rope is a calorie scorcher. I read that it was the equivalent to running an 8 minute mile. It tones the calves and arms, and also improves coordination.
When I first started using the jump rope I realized I wasn’t in as good shape as I thought. One minute of jumping rope was torturous…especially seeing I need to do kegels with each and every jump (thanks kids). To get used to the jump rope I would do one minute of jump roping, then I would stop and do 12 push-ups. Repeat. I would try to get 10 minutes in. Now I try to push my jump roping stretches longer. I found this video (which I still can’t complete the whole way through yet without stopping). It’s only 10 minutes, but it keeps jumping rope not so mundane. My goal is to get through the entire thing without having to stop or peeing my pants.
Jump rope is great for everyone. Go have fun with kids and do some double dutch!