
A Saloon of Cowboy Bandits

I came home the other night to a gang of cowboy bandits coming down the stairs challenging my husband to a dual. You can tell they recently watched the third installment of Back to the Future. They were using their best little accents. It was hysterical. Then they said they would be at the saloon… Continue reading A Saloon of Cowboy Bandits


Getting a Good Christmas Photo: There’s Always One

Trying to get a good Christmas card picture is ALWAYS a challenge with kids. There is always ONE kid that doesn’t want to cooperate. Always ONE, not smiling or looking at the camera. Always ONE, who closed their eyes in almost every photo. And always ONE…..that just feels like rolling around in the grass. Luckily… Continue reading Getting a Good Christmas Photo: There’s Always One

just me

Together We’re Stronger #BeTheVoice

I sometimes talk to her just like she’s sitting there in the passenger seat of my car. 17 years today and I still can’t believe it. The pain isn’t as raw but the sadness I feel every December 3rd is still there, just as strong. Mostly through the year I celebrate her smile and laughter… Continue reading Together We’re Stronger #BeTheVoice