The weather is finally breaking and the SUN is still out when I get home from working all day. This equals PURE JOY. It feels so good to leave the office and still have an hour of sunlight left. I got out on the pavement twice this week after work. Me and my furry baby needed it!! It’s the perfect way to decompress, arrange my to-do list, and unwind after work before making dinner and dealing with homework, cleaning, laundry, etc. It’s got to be those magical endorphins.
My runs were short because I was chasing the setting sun. However, we “spring ahead” this weekend so I’ll be able to extend my mileage a bit on the week nights. Honestly, this shift in weather is everything to my fitness. I’m completely driven by the sunshine and warmer temps. It’s like a I woke and there was a switch flipped on. I feel motivated and happy, rather than stressed and not finding joy in my workouts.
Do the seasons affect your fitness regime and overall well-being?
And this lady is so much happier too. Just trucking inclines.
the perfect running partner :o) Easy sadly is currently in rocket-mood… but I’m sadly not Usain Bolt lol
She’s getting a little slower with age so I usually drop her back off at home after a couple miles. Weims make great running buddies.