
My Son Won’t Stop Singing Sir Mix A Lot

Every teen or twenty something of the 90’s remembers Sir Mix A Lot’s hit “Baby Go Back.” It’s a song that once you hear it you can’t get it out of your head as vulgar as it is. Well my seven year old would not stop singing it this weekend! First of all, where did he hear it? I never went all Ross and Rachel on him to make him laugh as an infant. I swear it.

On and on he went all day singing it. He only knew the lyrics to a certain point, but all in all I was still horrified! He was shaking away singing in his little 7 year old voice…that he “likes big butts, and I cannot lie.” He knew up to “you get SPRUNG!”

I just had to ask where he heard it and he said he and his brother “just KNOW it.” That answer didn’t satisfy me so I called in the middle brother. Finally, answers. THE CHIPMUNKS!!! It’s in one of the Chipmunk movies. Seriously!

Now you can all go about your day with that song in your head. I know it’s stuck there now, isn’t it?