The Bookshelf

The Last Firehawk

We have started a new series in our house, The Last Firehawk written by Katrina Charman. Seeing my kids are obsessed with “birds of prey” I thought it would be  good fit. My youngest read it first and now it is getting passed around.

It takes place in the magical land of Perodia where a darkness is spreading. It is up to an owl named Tag and his squirrel friend Skyla to help save the land from the evil vulture Thorn. They discover a firehawk hatchling. Firehawks have not been seen for years in Perodia. The magical “last” firehawk and her special powers will be their key to saving the land.

This first book, The Ember Stone, was full of adventure. Finnegan’s favorite part was meeting the slow-talking sea turtle, Thaddeus. He had so much fun acting out his voice. We were giggling throughout those chapters.

The second book, The Crystal Caverns, just arrived the other day. We can’t wait to swoop into this story as the quest goes on to obtain another piece of the ember stone.


Do your kids have a favorite series?

3 thoughts on “The Last Firehawk

  1. My oldest is working on The Land of Stories series. He’s on book 3 at the moment and already has book 4. Our 6 year old loves the Puppy Place books by Ellen Miles. I love it when they love reading.

    1. The Land of Stories. I haven’t heard of that one. I’ll have to look it up and order the first book. Thanks for sharing.

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