
Fitness Friday – Walk For A Dog

Okay guys, so I found this app and it is right up my alley. Most of us need a little motivation to get our butts off the couch and stop making excuses. Well now I have an excuse for you to get up and take that daily walk. You’re going to LOVE this if you’re an animal lover.

Walk for a Dog

Walk for a dog is an app from WoffTrax. You basically pick a shelter or organization you want to receive funds. You track your walks with the app. The more walks and miles you do, the more donations are made to your choice organization by sponsors and advertisers. If you can get friends together and all work on raising funds for the same shelter, it’s even better!

How does the app work? 
After you download and set up the app on your smartphone, take your phone with you when you walk your dog(s). Simply press the Start Walking button and the app will keep track of your walk. When you are done with your walk, press Stop Walking. After the green heart appears next to your walk on the History screen, it is successfully logged for your selected organization.
How do donations work?
Funds from each donation period are divided among shelters and rescues based on the number of people who are actively walking for each organization as seen on the Impact tab of the app. The more active walkers per donation period, the more (and more often!) that organization receives donations.
How are the donations funded?
Our donations are funded by sponsorships and advertising, so the more people actively walking, the more money we can raise (from interested sponsors and advertisers), and the more we are therefore able to donate!

their website

It is really easy to use. Just download the App from your App Store and enter your info and dog’s info. Then you get a pick from a list of organizations listed by state. Then just tap and Start Walking, and start earning donations for your choice organization. It is that simple. So download and get moving with your furry friends for other furry friends.