
Introducing Archer

It’s been a long time coming. We lost or vizsla, Avery, four years ago. The upside was that we still had our Allie girl to lighten blow. After she passed away last year we were dogless and it was just so strange. Sure it was nice to not have to worry about getting home to exercise her and feed her. We could go away without having to find a sitter, but it was just not right. I missed the click-clack of claws on the hardwood floors. I missed evening snuggles while I caught up on my TV shows and folded laundry. It was like having a piece of who you are missing. I was no longer a dog mom.

My husband and I went back and forth about getting another dog. When he wanted one, I didn’t, and vice versa. We also debated on what type of dog. I wanted another vizsla to run with. He wanted something fat and lazy.  The boys kept on asking for a “Baby Avery.” Timing was just never quite right and it needed to be RIGHT. There were opportunities and we just didn’t pull the trigger. Then one day we found out that someone backed out on a male vizsla from our previous breeder. We both knew right there it was meant to be.

We didn’t tell the boys that we made the decision. Archer was coming home. We told the boys we had to pick up family at the airport (technically we weren’t lying). I was so excited to drive up and introduce him…I missed the “record” button as they first came to the car!!

Our family is now complete. We have our Archer (which we planned on three years ago).

The kicker….while going through his lineage we found out that he is our Avery’s great-great nephew. Meant to be.

He’s been a dream so far and the kids are absolutely over the moon with their new baby brother. I hope he’s with us for a very long time.

5 thoughts on “Introducing Archer

  1. he is super cute… welcome in your new home Archer…. we had this problem too after the darkest day we lost our Easy… but we decided to stay with the breed even when it is different now after we learnt the hard facts…

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