
Fitness Friday – Don’t Over-Complicate It

There are SO MANY diet fads. FADS, is just what they are. In one month and out the next. I just don’t understand it. I’ve never been one to really “diet.” I think people seem to over-complicate weight-loss or even just maintaining weight. I think it’s pretty simple. Eat clean fresh foods. A variety of them. Exercise regularly and don’t over-eat. Easier said then done for some, but the concept itself is simple.

My mom sees a nutritionist. She has been for years and I don’t understand why. She’s a very smart woman and knows what she needs to do. You don’t need a nutritionist to tell you that you haven’t been doing what your supposed to do, when you know you haven’t. A nutritionist is great to get you on track if you have no idea what size portions of food you should eat, but once you know….then you know. Take that knowledge and move on.

Paleo, keto, atkins, fasting, cleanses for this and that. It should not be this complicated. Why do we do this to ourselves? And then the celebrities. “Well one Kardasian did this and Beyonce did that and look how amazing they look! I need to try that too!” These people also have chefs and personal trainers. Reality check. Most fad diets are unhealthy and ineffective for long-term weight loss. Sure if I see a paleo recipe that looks AMAZING I’m going to try it. It’s real whole foods, but it doesn’t mean I’m only going to eat paleo.

It’s SIMPLE. Drink a ton of water. Eat proteins, carbs, fruits, and veggies (ALL THE FOOD GROUPS the fat too). Toss out the processed junk. Exercise daily! It’s not rocket science. You don’t have to live on cabbage soup. And don’t even get me started on “magic pills.”

Which fads have you tried and what did you think about them?