The Kitchen

Grilled Meatballs

My kids LOVE meatballs. My youngest asks for them constantly. They’re on my weekly menu throughout winter and fall, but when summer comes I don’t like turning on my oven. I grill EVERYTHING in summer, but my baby wanted his meatballs. The constant requests were getting to me so I decided I would make “grilled meatballs” and hoped for the best. Well, the kids were THRILLED. Paired with some grilled garlic toast and a salad, dinner was served and we beat the heat.

I simply made my regular pork meatballs and squished them down a bit to form almost a patty. After flipping them, I topped them with a bit of sauce and mozzarella cheese. The boys got the taste of the meatballs they love and I stayed clear of the kitchen in the middle of a heatwave.