
His First Trip to Overnight Camp

When the Scout Master said camp Yawgoog was going to be 7 days and 7 nights I immediately thought, “No Way!” There was no possible way I was going to let my 10 year old baby go away for 7 days and 7 night!! SEVEN! I thought five would have been pushing it. He’s never been away more than two nights, and that’s only when he stays at my parents’ for the weekend. I let that meeting stew in my head and heart for a good month. Everyone had amazing things to say about their experiences at Yawgoog and my baby boy was chomping at the bit. He was determined that he could handle seven days away. I knew it would be a great opportunity for him to start earning his merit badges and work toward becoming an Eagle Scout. My husband and I said YES. I spent June and July in a slight panic anticipating this trip. They couldn’t have cell phones. I wasn’t even going to be able to say goodnight or see if he was dry and warm enough.

I busied myself making sure he had everything he needed for his trip. I double, triple, and quadruple-checked his packing list. He just kept reassuring me that he was ready. So on a VERY rainy Sunday we packed him up and took him to camp with his Boy Scout troop. They were in tents on decking with tarpaulin for walls to protect from the rain. We set up his sleeping bag on a canvas cot, I reminded him of everything that was packed in a foot locker, and said goodbye about 8 times before we finally departed. That first night it poured and I laid in bed awake all night wondering if he was getting wet, if he was too cold, if he couldn’t fall asleep. Well, those first year scouts didn’t sleep all night…they had too much. The next day they were exhausted….me too.


I was happy that there were Facebook updates on how they were doing, and on Wednesday we were allowed to visit. He was having the time of his life! He told me all about how he and his friend Alex canoed the entire lake themselves. They were learning how to cook, doing woodworking, and leather work. After night one, they all learned that they should go to sleep at a decent time. Saying goodbye was tough on all of us, including his other scout friends, but I knew the weather for the rest of the week was good and he was happy.

Then I noticed he was wearing the same clothes in EVERY Facebook post. By day 5 I inquired. Yup, the kid only changed out of his outfit to his swimsuit and back into the SAME outfit EVERY DAY!! Never mind the 7 other shirts and shorts I packed him. Although he claims he showered….twice.


Our family was complete again when we picked him up. He had an AMAZING time and said those 7 days felt like a month, but he can’t wait to do it again next year. As I was unpacking his things I noticed the 8 pairs of clean socks out of the 10 I packed for him. The pair that he was wearing walked themselves right out the door. Another lecture on hygiene immediately followed.