
Stages of Turning 40

I just typed 4-0 and still can’t believe it. How did that happen? I sure don’t feel 40…well except when I look in the magnifying mirror in horror. I swear I was just 34.

6am felt something like this.

I then proceeded to inspect each wrinkle and gray hair. Someone remind me to make a hair appointment please.

So what’s a girl like me going to do…. yep.

Ahh, much better. After a few glasses I’ll believe everyone who is telling me that 40 is the new 20. It’s all what you make of it. I’ll just ignore the cracking joints and new eye prescription.

I’m closing out the night Betty White style. Screw this. I’m going to age gracefully. I’m going to embrace it. It’s all just a number, right? And I’m going to keep telling myself that I got carded quite a bit this summer. Bring it on 20…well 40. Peace out.

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