
We Have A Wrestler

My middle son has been waiting to get into wrestling since he was three years old. Now that he is in middle school, he was able to sign up for the team. I know NOTHING about wrestling. Nothing. That’s his dad’s thing. Dad was captain of his high school wrestling team. I’ve been hearing tales of his wrestling years for the past 22 years we’ve been together. I did go to one wrestling match in high school. Those are the things you do when your best friend has a crush on a boy on the team. I lasted maybe 15 minutes and had to leave. I couldn’t understand a thing and I can’t stand to see people fight.

Well, now my baby wants to wrestle and I have watch and learn. He was super excited for his first tournament this weekend. He made it on the varsity team (because be basically added his own weight class, all 60 lbs of him). He’s been practicing really hard, and I somehow ended up his test subject for a Half-Nelson last week.  “I don’t want to do that to my brothers and dad is too big.” There we were sprawled across the kitchen floor. Coach said he had to practice it 10 times.

He was really nervous about his first match ever. He would be going up against kids a good 10 pounds heavier and taller than him. Despite all of the nerves, he did great!! He lost 2 out of 3 matches, but didn’t get pinned at all ( I guess that’s a big thing). There is some point system that I know nothing about. Another thing I need to learn. In his last match he was able to pin his opponent. I’ve watched the video about 9 times and get a little verklempt each time. He came in 4th place for his weight class and his team took FIRST place in the tournament. He was beyond happy!

So while I do NOT enjoy watching other kids man-handle my baby boy, I guess I’ll just have deal with it. I will learn how this wrestling sport works and root for my boy while peeking through two fingers like watching a scary movie.

I’m beyond proud of him. I think my favorite moment was when we I got up the next morning and there he was walking through the dining room in his bathrobe with his medal hanging from his neck.