The Bookshelf

The Bookshelf – Me Before You Series

A friend of mine kept telling me to read Me Before You, by Jojo Moyes. She was adamant that I would LOVE it, but I never picked it up. I have a set group of authors I read, but I’m really trying to change that. It wasn’t until after the movie was produced that I actually picked up the book and read it. I fell in love with the story, just as she said I would. I then proceeded to plow through the entire series, Still Me being one of my favorites. I couldn’t get enough of Louisa Clark (which I do say in my head with an British accent).

I could not help but cheer on Louisa Clark while she tried to find herself while processing grief. Watching her lose her way and then find herself again was just so real. I just adored her quirky personality, her self criticism, and her ability to just be herself and stay true to who she is.

So if you haven’t read this series…do so!  Lucky for me, the bonus to being late to game, I got to read all three without having to wait for a book release. Thanks Kelli!



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