
My Favorite Moments of 2018

While 2018 was not the BEST of years, there were certainly many things to be thankful for. The top of the list was the newest addition to the family. Archer. We had been on the fence for a long time about getting another dog and he has turned out to be absolutely wonderful!

We made it to Virginia this year to visit my brother. It had been quite a while. It was such a great trip. I loved having my boys play with their cousins.

My husband and I took our oldest to his first concert. Drop Kick Murphys. He absolutely LOVED it.

Deacon experienced Camp Yawgoog with the Boys Scouts. It was a big moment for him….and me. It made me let go a little bit. 10 days without my baby.


I got to see Billy Joel perform at Fenway Park with my dad for my 40th birthday. HUGE bucket list item. Billy Joel and my dad are like PB&J. I couldn’t imagine seeing him in concert without my dad.

I made it back to Nantucket for the first time in 24 years, and got to see one of my “baby girls” get married. It was absolutely gorgeous and I was very happy that not much had changed on the little island. Being able to share all my memories with husband was just as wonderful.

A bonus was that my brother made it home for Thanksgiving this year. He’s one of my favorite people in the entire universe and I can’t remember the last time he was home for Thanksgiving.

And this year, we got a tiny wrestler. He started middle school and joined the wrestling team. He is loving it and doing really well.


Here is hoping 2019 brings on more amazing moments and blessings.




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