The Bookshelf

My 12 Books of 2018

So every year I try to read twelve books. Here is what I read this year. Two were trilogies.

The Sunshine Sisters 

The Perfect Couple – review

Dance Upon Air

Heaven and Earth

Face the Fire

Me Before You – review

Me After You

Still Me

The Island House

One Plus One


Winter Paradise – review

What have you read this year that you really enjoyed?

3 thoughts on “My 12 Books of 2018

  1. That’s a really good idea–someone I know was reading a book a day and I concluded that would never happen to me at this point in my life. Kids, marriage, kids, kids, work. But, one book a month is definitely doable. I started reading Where’d You Go Bernadette last night but after the first 12 pages, I’m wondering if it’s worth it. I’ll check out some of your suggestions.

    1. I have to get hooked within the first couple chapters to continue on.

  2. I know someone who was reading a book a day. That’s not at all possible in my realm. Kids, marriage, kids, kids, work. But, one a month sounds doable. I started reading Where’d You Go, Bernadette last night but I’m wondering why after the first 20 pages or so. I’ll check out some of your suggestions.

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