
10 Things to Toss Right Now

Before Christmas I do the toy purge, then after Christmas, it is time to focus on the rest of the house. Here is a quick list of 10 things that you can toss without giving it much thought. It doesn’t have to be daunting. No trying on clothes and debating on whether you’re going to wear it again. Start small and EASY!

  1. Old makeup
  2. Unmatched socks
  3. Dull knives
  4. Old cell phones and cords (recycle)
  5. Any expired medicines (safely)
  6. Chipped dishes
  7. Lid-less Tupperware
  8. Magazines
  9. Plastic grocery bags (recycle)
  10. Ratty towels

Go ahead and just toss it all. It feels so good.

Coming up next, purging your kitchen for the new year.

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