
Purging Your Kitchen for the New Year

Adding some organization to your life is the perfect way to start the new year. “Out with the old and in with the new,” right? That is exactly how I start my kitchen purge.

Up first, the expired stuff. As you toss, make a shopping list of things you need to replace.

  • Condiments
  • Salad dressings
  • Olives and pickles
  • Leftovers
  • Spices
  • Baking goods (mixes, baking soda, etc.)
  • Check those canned goods too. They last a long time, but not forever.
  • Freezer burned items

Then it’s the things you can just toss out.

  • Dirty sponges and old dish rags
  • Chipped dishes 
  • Coffee mugs you don’t use
  • Take-out menus
  • Condiment packets from take-out places
  • Dull knives not worth sharpening
  • Go through the thermoses and water bottles, anything chewed on, toss it.

Now comes the bigger job, getting it all organized. I like to empty the entire pantry and the food cabinets and wipe everything down. Then I start organizing as I put it all away.

  • Put flour and sugar in containers
  • Put all canned goods together
  • Organize spices so the ones used most often are in the front
  • Put all the kids snacks in a basket or large container
  • Put all the baking products/mixes together

Make a list of pantry essentials that you need to replenish. Here is my list of 25 Pantry Essentials.

If you want to go real crazy, clean your refrigerator shelves and drawers. Having everything cleaned and organized for the start of the year feels great and helps you keep on track towards those post-holiday weight loss goals.

Do you have any tips to share? I would LOVE to hear them.

One thought on “Purging Your Kitchen for the New Year

  1. It makes me tired just reading this. I will have to psych myself up for such a monumental task, but one worth doing.

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