
A Saturday Date

My oldest two boys signed up for Cold Weather Camping this past weekend regardless of how insane I thought the idea was. My husband decided he was going to go with them. My youngest was thrilled by the news because it meant that we got to have a weekend to ourselves and he could sleep in my bed. Well unfortunately due to a winter storm the trip was cut short and they did not spend the night, just the entire day. Finn was a bit disappointed by the news but I promised we would still have a wonderful Date Day.

We started our day with a quiet breakfast together.

Then he taught me how to play Mario Aces Tennis on the Nintendo Switch. Yeah, I did not do very well but he had so much fun teaching me and encouraging me.

After a few rounds of tennis we went to pick up Grammie and go to lunch. He had a craving for his favorite pork gyozas and some fried rice. He told the waitress that the gyozas were a TEN, followed by some commentary on the “flavors of the dish” that he totally got from watching too much Food Network with me.

We then picked up his friend and they spent an hour jumping around at Skyzone.

Seeing his brother’s were not going to be home until later that night, we decided to do dinner and a movie. We set up trays in the living room and he picked out a movie. He knew EXACTLY what he wanted to watch. The movie he always suggests to his brothers and it usually gets shot down. Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief. Excellent choice.  We both love Greek mythology. Snuggled on the couch with my little love…the perfect way to end the day.

I am always so grateful to find one on one time with my guys. They’re growing up too fast. It’s so important to make a point of arranging special time with each of them. No one on their death bed ever says, “I spent too much time with my kids.” There’s never enough.