
When Will He Learn?

My oldest is on his second year of middle school. You would think that by now he would have his shit together….but he doesn’t. I have to CONSTANTLY monitor his homework, classwork, and grades weekly or he falls behind. What is most aggravating is that he is super smart and can do all the work, but he is lazy (doesn’t take after me there).  A few weeks ago there were SIX missing assignments. Three in Science and three in Honors English. These are marked as ZEROS!!! All his other grades are As and high Bs….then mix in the zeros! It is infuriating. When will he get it? There is this thing called an AVERAGE. The zeros pull your grade down, all because you didn’t feel like doing it. We go through this every single quarter. When is he going to learn? His motto, “It’s classwork and they don’t give us enough time.” My motto and every teacher’s motto, “What you don’t finish in class, you finish at home.” He completely disagrees because it cuts into “his time.”

Well mom is DONE! I am so tired of this. I had him all caught up, then logged into grades again this morning. FIVE more missing science assignments. When I tell you I mutter WTF under my breath about 50 times a day, I’m not exaggerating. Why is he doing this to me!!!? He gets in trouble every single time! His brother doesn’t do this to me. He keeps track of his own grades and assignments. If he forgets to do something, he is the first to step up and get it done regardless how late at night it is. He gets it done.

I spent my evening monitoring 7th grade science assignments. Oh, and driving to Staples to get printer ink. Although I had black ink, the damn thing would not print because the cyan was out. So annoying. As I was driving home, after going to three places to get the ink, I realized I was driving for ink because my lazy ass kid did not want to pick up a pencil and write down five sentences about the formation of the Himalayan Mountains. What the hell was I doing? Enabling?

Needless to say, it was another evening requiring more than one glass of wine. He knows I see his grades. He knows he gets in trouble each and every time. He knows I take things away. He knows zeros affect his grade in a horrible way. When is he going to get it? I don’t know what else I can do. Anyone else have that one kid that drives the entirely bonkers when it comes to school?

6 thoughts on “When Will He Learn?

  1. Oh boy. That sounds really hard! I am sure my oldest will be like this in middle school. Puts second grade in perspective for now!

  2. OMG. I’m so sorry. I can totally imagine (and pretty much feel!) your frustration. Yeah, driving for ink is too much. Is it always science? Does he have something against the subject? No dinner until he finishes his science homework? What does he do during “me time”? Video games? Computer? I say take those away until the work is done. Sure, sure, he needs the computer for schoolwork. Is it in the living room where you can monitor him? If it’s in his bedroom, take it out of there immediately.
    I don’t know. Those are just my thoughts. Hope something helps!

    1. Lap top is in the kitchen. If he doesn’t like the teacher then forget it. Mostly science with a few English and math assignments here and there. Tablet and video games get taken away. The problem is I don’t get the update of things missing until they’ve been missing for over a week or two. The teachers don’t update enough.

      1. Being married to a teacher, I know it can be hard to keep up with everything. His school lists assignments online. Any chance your son’s school does that, so you’ll know what he needs to do and can ask if he’s done it? No dinner till he does? OR: let him fail and see how he likes summer school. :0

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