
Finn’s First 5K

I ran as a Girls on the Run SoleMate this past weekend at the University of Orthopedics 5K, benefiting the Make A Wish Foundation. Two of my boys wanted to run it too. I love it when they want to get involved, it’s such a great experience for them. Now Deacon had ran two 5ks with me so far and he knew the drill. Finn on the other hand had not. He also did not want to do any training runs with me either. I must have asked him 27 times if he was sure he wanted me to sign him up. He answered “yes” each time.

He started off with running through the sprinklers. Because who can resist a sprinkler?

Then the complaining started before we got to the 1 mile mark. His legs were hurting because Deacon lied to him by saying riding a bike was enough exercise to do a 5k.

By mile 1 he was proud of himself…and still walking.


We may have jogged a quarter mile to get to mile 2 for our photo. Rylee and Deacon were well rested by the time we arrived.

He finally picked up the pace just in time for the hill, which after that, we were walking again. The hills are “terrorizing”

All that aside, I had the best time with him. Deacon had run up ahead with my friend and her daughter so it was just the two of us chatting. I found out that his favorite flower is a blue tulip, “they’re dark blue, light blue with an aggressive yellow in the middle.” Ha! We talked about tennis, movies, things we want to do this summer. It was the best time and we could not have asked for better weather. I love getting a little one on one conversation with no one interrupting.

When I asked if he wanted to do this again, it was a hard “NO.” He said he would stick to tennis and bike riding and leave the 5k stuff to me and Deacon.

However, he did manage a great sprint to the finish line.

Best photo finish EVER!

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