
Queen of Reminders

I’ve been stewing on this post for quite a while now. I didn’t want to write it when I was in a rage-mood, which is often the case any time I hear someone say “remind me” at this point now. How the hell did I become the Queen of the Reminders? I don’t quite remember when it happened, but I am certainly The Queen. Husband, children, boss. Between the five of them and myself it amazes me that my brain has any room to remember how to operate a corkscrew.

Remind me to do this, remind me to do that, remind me to call so and so. Don’t you people know how to make a damn list or use a calendar!!? I have had it. I am even remembering things that I haven’t been asked to remember/remind them about. My husband’s club meeting….they meet once a month. You would think seeing it is “his club” that he would know when the meetings are.  Nope, but I do. The good wifey is there to remind him.

Don’t get me going on the the damn lizard. Every. Single. Day. Water, food, crickets, mist, plants. The list goes on and on. Oh, and if I don’t remind him, the lizard will most certainly die.

Then the “I can’t forget my battery.” Okay? Is that you saying you need me to remind you to bring your battery. Affirmative.

It has gotten to the point where I’m just waiting to receive the text that says “Can you remind me tomorrow to wipe my own ass?” Seriously. If “remind me to cut my hair” has already been said to me by not one, but TWO parties, that might not surprise me. It goes right on the list of “remind me to trim my nails when we get home.” Really?

Now where I really get irked is when I don’t remind someone to do something and they forget and then it is ALL MY FAULT for not reminding them. I take on all the responsibility. “You didn’t remind me.” I’ll stop it right here before I start typing curse words.

Why can’t anyone handle their own crap? I would love to be dethroned. I have my own stuff to remember, I don’t need anymore. Get your shit together people! Make a list. Audio note in the phone. Email yourself, not me.


2 thoughts on “Queen of Reminders

  1. Ugh. That does sound super frustrating. Are you considering just not reminding them and letting them see what happens when they can’t be responsible for their own stuff?

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