
Whitewater Rafting Upstate New York

Gosh I cannot believe summer has come to an end. As with previous summers, I barely got any blogging in, so I’ll take you back to the beginning of our summer with a trip to New York whitewater rafting with the Boy Scouts. I was both super excited for this trip… and crazy nervous. From the stories I heard from my husband about his trip, this momma was on high alert. Now mind you, my husband is an exaggerated storyteller, but his friends confirmed most of the stories about people getting tossed out of the raft and having to be rescued. Oye. I didn’t care about myself, but my BABIES! I kept questioning my decision for us all to go on this trip. My babies floating down a rapid river was my biggest fear. I wanted to reattach the umbilical cord and have them tethered to me.

Mommy is coming for you!!!!!!!

Before we started on the river there were Rules to be heard and followed. I begged the kids to pay attention, this was serious stuff. I quizzed them the entire bus ride up river. They weren’t my biggest fans by the time we reached our destination. I was delivered too many eye-rolls to count. Despite all my worrying and reminding them to tuck their feet tight, it ended up being the BEST time. We all loved it and everyone remained in the raft for the however many miles of rapids we conquered. The boys can’t wait to go back again. Finn got to sit at the bow and hold on while we all did the paddling. He was our George Washington.

All of the kids did great. Our guide at Wild Waters was awesome. The kids loved telling jokes with him and he made our adventure so much fun. Logan even got to “ride the bull” at the bow over a great patch of rapids. Such a wonderful experience. I can’t wait for our next great adventure. I’ll try not to be so nervous the next time.