
Saying Goodbye to Summer

Saying goodbye to summer is always hard for me. I think a lot of it has to do with the working mom guilt. I took a total of 5 days off this summer (thank God for weekends). Whitewater rafting, two beach days, and a lake day. That’s it. I always feel so horrible. It’s not nearly enough time, but it is what it is and we tried to make the most of it. I’m sure if I were a stay at home mom I would think differently and be doing a happy dance now that school has started up again.

What I love about summer is that it’s still light out when I get home from work. There is no homework or making lunches, leaving us more quality time to go for walks, get ice cream, or do some night swimming when I get home. The days are already getting shorter. The homework is starting to come in…and I have 516 lunches left to make this year. It’s such a downer.

However, we did have a fun summer regardless of limited time. It’s time to say goodbye and move onto Fall. Pumpkins, leave piles, baking, and apple picking. I’ll miss those lazy days, but my type-A personality does love a good schedule/routine. Back to school is like my New Year.

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