
2019 Highlights

I love looking back at the year, scrolling through photos and seeing all our new moments. 2019 brought some firsts for us that we really enjoyed. Here are some of my favorites.

Deacon tried the Cross Country team. So proud of him for trying something new. Not to mention it kept him well conditioned for wrestling season.


Finnegan ran his first 5k. He’s one and done, but I am so happy he gave it a try.

We went white water rafting and we all survived.

Logan’s artwork was displayed at the city library. No sports for this kid. He is just so super talented. LOVES Art.

My Mom retired!!

(mom won’t let me post pictures of her)

Finn was tall enough for the Big rides. They all became little dare devils.

We found a new local hiking trail. I just love getting them out in the woods.

I became addicted to Lucifer. Sad that this season is going to be the final season. 



Wishing you all a HEALTHY, HAPPY, and PROSPEROUS  New Year!

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