DIY · Lifestyle

Sewing Handmade Gifts – Pencil Cases

I love that Finn has shown an interest in sewing over the past couple of years. To be completely honest, I was a little nervous at first. My only sewing experience was in 7th and 8th grade Home Ec class. I didn’t remember anything, how was I supposed to teach him? I couldn’t remember how to thread the string through the machine or change a bobbin. I turned to YouTube and it all came back to me (somewhat). Now sewing is one of those special things that just he and I do together….I’m loving it!

He wanted to make his teachers handmade gifts this year and I was so happy to help. Nothing is better than a handmade gift that you can treasure always. We pulled up YouTube, made our measurements, did our cutting, and started sewing. A few broken needles and a bobbin change later, we had his gifts for his three teachers and it was the pride I saw in his eyes that made every mishap along the way worth it.

Seriously, how cute are these. Honestly, they didn’t take very long as soon as we stopped breaking needles by hitting reverse at the wrong time.


We used this great YouTube video to guide us. There are so many great videos out there for all sewing levels. If you’re anything like me, I need to visually see each step. This video was great. We just paused after each step. I also found videos to help me change the needles, replace the bobbin, and re-thread the machine. YouTube was my saving grace.


Next up, he wants to make a puppy. I will have to start researching now. This one sounds a bit more advanced for my liking.

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