The Kitchen

Simple Tomato & Goat Cheese Frittata

Anyone else feel like they have made 18,737 meals during quarantine? I am really trying to focus on using up everything I have and not wasting. A practice we should do all year, but sometimes leftovers just end up in the trash. We had leftover diced tomatoes from Taco Tuesday and some goat cheese from my very favorite Naan Pizza so I decided to whip up a frittata. Frittatas are so easy to make, and you can really put anything in them. The bottom of the frittata cooks on the stove top, and the top cooks in the oven so be sure to use a oven-safe frying pan.

I made a small one for my husband and I using a 9 inch frying pan. You can use a 12 inch by just increasing the amount of eggs. For a 9 inch, I use 3 eggs.


3 eggs (for 9 in. pan, double for 12 in.)

Diced tomatoes

Goat cheese

Fresh dill, salt, and pepper

Shredded mozzarella


Preheat oven 425°F

Beat eggs in a bowl and add tomatoes and goat cheese (or whatever you have on hand: spinach, peppers, onions, zucchini, feta, herbs)

Heat an oven-safe frying pan over medium heat on the stove.

Add egg mixture and cook until the bottom starts to pull from the pan.

Top with shredded cheese and put in the oven until the top browns.

Serve hot.