The Bookshelf

Forgotten – Catherine McKenzie

I have been meaning to post about this one for a while. During my new author journey this year, I found Catherine McKenzie. This is the second book of hers that I read and I really enjoyed it.

Emma Tupper is a very driven corporate lawyer working very hard to make partner. Her dream. When her mother passes away she gives Emma her dream, a trip to Africa. She hopes Emma will slow down and enjoy more of life rather than being so focused on her job. Emma forces herself to take a leave from work and go on the trip because it was her mother’s dying wish.

Emma’s month long trip to Africa turns into six months, not by choice. Illness and then an earthquake in the area blocks Emma from all communication to the outside world while being stuck in a remote village until communication, transport, and the airport are back up and running. The problem with no communication and friends that knew Emma was in the area of the disastrous earthquake…she is presumed dead.

When she finally returns, she comes home to a man, Dominic, moving into her apartment. A boyfriend that has moved on. An employer who thought she was dead and gave her office away to her nemesis. She’s been Forgotten.

Emma has the choice to rebuild her old life, or start anew.

At first I found it far-fetched, but then I fell right into the story cheering her on to build something better. To find balance. So if you need a good quarantine book, grab this one.