
Sharing Smiles with Delta Dental of Rhode Island

It is more important now more than ever to emotionally band together as a community. Times are so hard right now on so many fronts. We want to be there for our families, friends, and neighbors, but it’s essential that we do it from a safe distance. Delta Dental of Rhode Island is spreading Smiles with the launch of their new Share a Smile campaign, and they’re supporting the local restaurant community in the process. You’re going to love it!! It’s time to get inspired and creative.

The Share a Smile campaign will look to shine a spotlight on Rhode Islanders who are going out of their way to help make things a bit brighter for members of their community. Thanking heroes, delivery drivers, first responders, or a helpful neighbor. It is time to spread messages of love and hope and make it BIG and BOLD in bright chalk on driveways and streets throughout our Rhode Island communities.

Delta Dental of Rhode Island will be spreading their own messages drawn in bright chalk in communities across Rhode Island. If you’re a Rhode Islander, be on the lookout for these special messages that will surely bring smiles, and get inspired to share a smile of your own!

Delta Dental of Rhode Island is encouraging residents to create their own uplifting messages in bright colorful chalk. On your next socially distant and safe walk, or right in your driveway, post a positive message wherever you see fit. Share your message on Facebook (make sure you make your post PUBLIC!) and include a tag to @DeltaDentalRI. You will be entered into a drawing to win a gift card to a local restaurant of your choice. Delta Dental will be giving away (20) $50 gift cards every week for the a total of six weeks!

I handed my boys a box of chalk this week. They loved it because they felt like they were little again. I think in times like these it is comforting to go back to when times felt easier and safer. I don’t think my boys have played with sidewalk chalk since pre-school/early elementary. They had fun, and were so proud of themselves when our neighbor rode by on her bike and their messages made her smile. She particularly liked the angry looking dinosaur that said, “Go extinct Covid-19,” and Deacon’s more inspirational message of “Better Days Will Come.”

Get out there and make someone SMILE! Post them on Facebook and Tag @DeltaDentalRI

Remember, Smiles are Infectious! Share them.

Thank you Delta Dental of Rhode Island for this inspirational campaign. Visit the Delta Dental of Rhode Island Website: for more information.

Disclosure: Sponsored post with Delta Dental of Rhode Island