Lifestyle · motherhood

Time Is Moving Too Fast

Can you believe I have had this blog for NINE years! It just dawned on me the other day. I remember when I first started it. It was like having a outlet for everything Mommy. The ups, downs, and utterly ridiculous. I had fun filling my site with fun activities to do with the kids. The boys were so little then. They would enjoy such simple things like painting rocks or a themed movie night. Often I go back and read old posts and see pictures of their chubby little cheeks and watch videos with those tiny voices. Time has gone by too fast. I still feel like I’ve missed things, things I was supposed to do.

They’re going to be in high school and middle school this September and I am having the hardest time wrapping my head and heart around that. I’m questioning all the time wasted. The wasted time that we sat around and did nothing! No adventures. Classes I didn’t sign them up for. Sports I didn’t insist they give a try. We haven’t been to Disney!! Even though I know that they have done plenty of fun things, I can’t seem to shake this feeling of “did I do enough,” and now it’s too late for so many of those things. Now it’s time to navigate new waters….that I am really not looking forward to. I just want to go back.

I want my Littles back where we would share our favorite books each week. We broke out of a few books and old movies they used to watch during quarantine. I mixed up some popcorn with a special “surprise” and we reminisced about the years when they were so little and all the simple fun things that we would do. They said they really enjoyed it, but I think they were just trying to make me happy. They’re sweet boys like that.

Everyone warns you that it’s going to go by so fast. And it does. We’re still adventuring…it’s just a little different now. Oh how I miss them being little. Makes my heart ache. At least I still get big HUGS.

3 thoughts on “Time Is Moving Too Fast

  1. It’s as though you are writing about my life! I have been thinking about this a lot lately as my two boys head into high and middle school. I also look back on my old posts and miss those times when making pirate maps and having birthday parties for stuffed animals were enough and exhilarating. Sometimes I share a couple of these older posts with Cody and Carter and they seem to like it. Carter told me last night that he misses his imagination. It made me so sad, but allowed a conversation to take place about how imagination changes over time,but never leaves you if you don’t want it to.
    Thank you for this post and congratulations on nine years blogging!

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