
The Husband That Still Asks for a Pony

My husband is a large, over-grown child. Most husbands are, aren’t they? He has been asking for a pony since he was a child. I’m not talking a joke…but seriously. Years ago, he called me at work. There were two Shetland ponies posted on the bulletin board at the hospital he was working at. He seriously thought I would say “yes.” “What would you do with them? Where would they stay?” His reply was that he could give the kids in the neighborhood rides (like that doesn’t sound creepy). The answer was clearly no…and he still holds a grudge to this day.

He also still holds a grudge with his mom. He called her from a horse auction in North Carolina at the age of 12. He could get a horse for $60. She said, “no,” despite him telling her that it could live in his bedroom. Dreams crushed instantly.

When I asked him what he wanted for his birthday this year, his list included a pony of course, because last year’s Rainbow Dash figurine did not suffice. He also added in there a stuffed jackalope and a Great Dane puppy. Nope. Not happening. Sorry. Why can’t he ever ask for something normal and realistic?

So, this year, I decided to say Yes to the pony…well sort of. I signed the entire family up for a trail ride on horseback. The boys have never been on a horse and I was sure my husband would love it. For one who keeps asking for a pony, he never goes horseback riding. I think the last time he was on a horse was our honeymoon, 18 years ago.

I called Sunset Stables and made a reservation. The horses were so well behaved and knew the trail with very little rider input. It was 45 minutes through the woods and it was so peaceful. We couldn’t take any pictures while going through the trail, but it was nice to just be in the moment. The hubby had 45 minutes of cowboy time.

My little cowboy.