
The Blog is BACK! Finally!

So, I thought I lost my blog. All NINE years of it. I felt devastated. Losing all those memories. I was late renewing my hosting and when I did renew, it just never came back. As in most things that are strictly just for me, I placed it on the backburner of things I needed to take care of. I contacted the hosting company on three occasions and was losing hope. But IT’S BACK! Finally! It’s been a couple of months.

I had been toying with the idea of just not blogging anymore and letting it go, and it took this incident for me to realize how much I actually enjoyed it and didn’t want to lose it. For a while I was thinking it was just a time-suck. I don’t have the readership I use to have years ago. Then on the other hand, I used to blog multiple times a week. I put a lot of effort and planning into it. It was a great outlet for me and again…it was something that was strictly just for me. My thoughts, my interests, things I wanted to share. For the past few years, I lost sight of that. I’ve been in a rut. A fitness rut, healthy eating rut, a writing rut. Quarantine/Covid has not helped at all, causing a mental rut. You can try fighting the tide, but sometimes it just takes you under.

I am ready to make a commitment to myself to start creating again. Writing and sharing the things I love; easy recipes, great books, funny antics, my favorite movies and shows. Setting your intentions in writing is a great way to kick-start the process of achieving. It’s not a chore or a time-suck, it’s a love… a hobby I enjoyed so much at one point. So I’m toasting to a new year. Year number TEN of this tiny bit of cyberspace that is all mine. Hope you all stick around.

4 thoughts on “The Blog is BACK! Finally!

  1. Yeah!! So glad you were able to get everything back.

    I’ve been thinking about coming back to blogging….thank you for the reminder ‘Setting your intentions in writing is a great way to kick-start the process of achieving.’…..

    Cant wait to start reading your blog again.


    1. Hi Brooks. WordPress should be able to help you with that. That’s so strange.

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