
Our Adventures in Distance/Hybrid Learning

We are a month and a half into a hybrid learning schedule. We are just now starting to get into a groove and adapting to the new routine which seems to be constantly changing on us. It’s been quite the challenge. Between the 241,007 emails and voicemails from the school department it’s been a lot to take in. I don’t think my oldest has been to school in the past three weeks. He is supposed to be there twice a week. Only going to each class once a week. They shut down the school multiple times for water and electrical issues. I THINK he returns to school on Monday. One can’t be sure. I’m sure my phone will be ringing at 10PM saying the school is closed again.

Here are a few of my takes so far:

Pros: Not making many lunches, I know they are home not getting bullied by classmates, no rushing to catch the bus.

Cons: Lack of engaging instruction, graphic design is not that fun without the good technology to learn and use, no paper allowed (sorry, don’t give my kids crossword puzzles if they can’t write on them), school bus windows are down and it’s cold and sometimes raining, lack of engagement between students, only being allowed to use the school issued chromebook (those screens are tiny and they have to jump from tab to tab)

I’m at the office working, not able to supervise what is going on at home which makes things difficult. ONE child had TEN missing assignments. He just didn’t feel like doing them because they were too long…..or, this one is my favorite, he FORGOT to hit the TURN IN button!!!! He’s killing me. His scores are not looking so good.

My youngest is in school 4 days a week, which is a blessing. He’s doing really well. I just feel bad because they can’t engage with each other. When they have a “group” assignment they can’t speak to each other, they can only use Chat. It’s sad. They have a new student and with the distance and “no talking” it was hard to make her feel welcome.

My other son is very independent and responsible. His grades are good and he gets his assignments in on time. He just struggles and gets annoyed with assignments that are difficult to do virtual, as I mentioned before, a crossword puzzle!! Photos of worksheets they can’t write on. It’s daunting.

I am really hoping this ends soon so they can get back to learning in person in an engaging environment. I won’t complain about making lunches anymore. I promise!

2 thoughts on “Our Adventures in Distance/Hybrid Learning

  1. I hear you! This is a stressful and unprecedented year. I’ve got one in hybrid and one home all year. It’s exhausting and who knows how much learning is really happening.

    1. Right! My son was instructed to make a google slide show and a quiz to teach his classmates… and they were never presented.

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