
My Favorite New Year Organization Tips

Aren’t we all excited to say GOODBYE to 2020!!? The hellish year may roll into next, but there is something still invigorating about starting over fresh.

First, toss out the no-brainer junk.
  1. Old makeup
  2. Unmatched socks
  3. Dull knives
  4. Old cell phones and cords (recycle)
  5. Any expired medicines (safely)
  6. Chipped dishes
  7. Lid-less Tupperware
  8. Magazines
  9. Plastic grocery bags (recycle)
  10. Ratty towels

Go ahead and just toss it all. It feels so good. That shade of lipstick you’re still not sure about…toss it, you know you have one that you like more. Make a list of things you tossed out that will need replacing. If you need to order a new set of Tupperware and start fresh…do it.

Second, head to the kitchen and check expiration dates
  1. Condiments & Salad dressings
  2. Spices
  3. Baking mixes
  4. Canned goods (yes, they eventually expire)
  5. Check your freezer for freezer-burnt food.

Again, make a list of things to replace. This is a good time to restock your pantry with essentials. Here are a few other tips for purging the kitchen.

Next, Replace/Service
  1. Replace batteries in fire detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.
  2. Clean out your dryer vent.
  3. Clean your garbage disposal.
  4. Replace all bed pillows.

Broken down into three steps makes it so much easier. What are things you like to do to get organized in the New Year?