Lifestyle · motherhood

School is OUT!!

It’s OVER. It is finally over.

I know the blog has been quiet lately. I feel like I have just been in a survival mode for months. Trying desperately to get by one day at a time. This has been the absolute worst school year EVER. I have never been so happy for it to be over. I’m usually one to complain about making lunches every night and helping with common core math. I’ll take that every day now compared to the last year of bulls@*^.

We had a hybrid system here. The boys weren’t in school on the same days. I would wake each morning with the same question, who is going to school today? Then there was the constant robo-calls and emails changing the schedule. The bus that just didn’t show up. The wellness check-ins every morning for those attending that day (again, who is going to school today?). The teachers that would never reach to to say…hey your son has a 24 in Civics. Seriously. Luckily I keep track of his grades on the online portal, but what about the kids that have parents that don’t do that? What about them not updating the online portal regularly so one day they have an 80 then a 64 the next. Let’s just leave at… our first year at the high school was a damn disaster. We were just treading water…my only plea was that my son got enough work turned in to just Pass his classes.

So this year’s Celebratory Cartwheel is extra special and was followed by an entire bottle of wine. Cheers to all that made it through! Finally. Now when someone asks, “How are you guys doing?” I can reply with “We’re doing okay.” and actually mean it. They better be in school 5 days a week come September.

2 thoughts on “School is OUT!!

  1. Congratulations for making it through to the other side, to summer! It was a really hard year both as a parent and as a teacher. My fingers are crossed that school gets back to normal come fall!.

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