The Bookshelf

The McKay Sisters – Audrey McClelland

So, one of my oldest friends did something over the pandemic. She wrote not one, but two novels (the third in the works)!! A series! I am over-the-moon happy for her. We had discussed us both writing years ago, and I am just so proud that she went forth and actually did it. It’s a romance series that follows four sisters. If you’re a lover of all that is Hallmark… you will LOVE these two love stories.

Book #1 – Hometown Boy

Audrey’s debut novel is Hometown Boy. I loved this story so much! Honestly, it was written so well that I could see it played out like a movie in my head. Seriously, calling Hallmark. Sam McKay is such an amazing and strong leading lady. A true leader of her own story. She returns to her hometown for her sister’s wedding and is forced to face the past and navigate feelings she thought she buried. Sam hasn’t seen Colin Dasher since they broke up ten years ago. Secrets are revealed, and Sam needs to decide what to do with that new information and old feeling that seem to be bubbling up to the surface. I also love the Hometown Boy is based in my hometown.

Book #2 – At Last

Sasha McKay is obligated to attend her ex boyfriend’s brother’s wedding. The ex-boyfriend that cheated on her. She is determined to make her ex know what he’s missing, and wants to show up with the hottest date ever. Unfortunately, finding someone to fit the bill perfectly is becoming difficult with the date of wedding looming closer and closer. When her sister suggests she have her handsome, charming, forever-a-bachelor brother in law act as her “fake boyfriend”, Sasha scoffs at the idea. Cole? Nope. All they have done since they were children is antagonize one another. In her desperation, she goes along with the idea, and they’re forced to spend some quality time together. I absolutely loved these characters! They’re chemistry was incredible, and Sasha had me laughing more than once. She’s witty with a touch of sass. Now I can’t wait for the next one!

So if you love a fun romance, please support my friend Audrey and check these two books out. I absolutely adored them both.

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