Lifestyle · motherhood

Enjoying One on One While it Lasts

It sometimes scares me how fast time is going. My boys aren’t little anymore and it makes me sad. I’m desperately trying to stay close and pray to God that they stay connected with my husband and I. On Sunday morning, my oldest and I were the only ones up so we snuck out of the house, grabbed some breakfast sandwiches, and went to one of our favorite spots. It was so nice getting that one on one time. Time I have learned to truly cherish seeing everything goes so fast. I took a quick little picture of him and then looked at. He looks so much older. His facial facial features have changed, his hair color has darkened, he wears a smirk instead of a full on smile. He’s grown so much the past year and half. He’s becoming a young man. It is bittersweet. There is joy in being able to see them grow into their own person, and a sadness of them not being little anymore…not needing me so much anymore.

I’m grateful I still get hugs and that he said yes to a one on one breakfast with mom. Hanging on tight.


2 thoughts on “Enjoying One on One While it Lasts

  1. I am right there with you on the bittersweet feelings of my boys growing up. Carter was at a week long camp and I got to enjoy some one on one time with Cody, who is 15. I look back at some of my old blog posts, posts from when they were so little and the magic of childhood was all consuming. There is a different sort of magic now, in their teenagerhood. It is not as light and glittery as before, but I am doing my best to soak it in and flow with it. Glad you enjoyed your one on one moments with you son. His smirk is very cute!

    1. That is great that you got to have a week of one on one time. I am so happy that I have old blog posts to look back on. They were so little!!

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