
Finding Gems In My Basement

We moved into our house sixteen years ago. When we did so, there were still a ton of old things left behind in our basement. An old desk, hundreds of mason jars, and old bench. Occasionally I will grab the mason jars and clean them up and use them to hold flowers, cottonballs, or tea lights. Even these fun little Halloween decorations the kids made.

However, most of it I just forget about, until recently. We had this old, dusty, gross-looking bench that we just piled stuff on when we moved in. While my husband was away I decided to dig it out of the basement and try to revamp it to use on our porch. I must say, I am quite pleased with how it came out.

Just some power washing, light sanding, and a couple of coats of paint. I purchased a cushion for it because the seat was topped with what I think was once vinyl. Then it was ready to enjoy with my best bud and a glass of wine! He is quite the nosey neighbor.