The Bookshelf

McKay Sisters Series Book 4 – One and Only

The fourth and final book of the McKay Sisters Series is here! One and Only. If you read my previous post , one of my oldest friends, Audrey McClelland, did something over the pandemic. She started writing a series of books. Yes, an entire series! I am over-the-moon happy for her and so incredibly impressed. It’s a romance series that follows four sisters. If you’re a lover of all that is Hallmark… you will LOVE these stories. Now the final book in the series is here so I just had to share.

One of the things I particularly loved about this new edition was that it wasn’t your typical they meet and fall in love story. Instead it’s about a couple that everyone believed to be the “perfect for each other” couple, but somewhere along the line they lost their way. It touches on so many points and emotions. When is it time to call it quits? When is it time to move on after being separated? Is it all still worth fighting for? Are you better off apart? Where exactly did it start to go wrong? So many questions and feelings.

Then of course you have the rest of the McKay sisters there supporting their oldest sister. You have Sasha with her sass and humor. The girl doesn’t have a filter and I love that about her. Susan, the more romantic of the three who wants the happy ever after to work. Then Sam, with the sharp mind and good insight. I never had a sister so I really enjoyed sharing in their sister dynamic. I am going to miss reading about them, but I am sure Audrey’s next series will be just as amazing and enjoyable.  

So if you haven’t checked out this series yet and love romance, please do.

Order your copy of One and Only here

Check out Audrey’s Author Page