Fitness · The Kitchen

Fitness Friday – Power Breakfasts

Whether jump-starting your day or having a post early workout breakfast, it’s important to include protein and wholesome nutrients. Food is FUEL. Don’t forget that! Here are some of my go-to Power Breakfasts that are sure to get your day started in the right direction. Steel-Cut Oats with Fruit   Eggs with Veggies These are my… Continue reading Fitness Friday – Power Breakfasts

The Kitchen

Tuscan Soup Recipe

It’s been Soup Sundays this winter. There’s nothing like a warm soup on a cold winter day. I’ve been rotating through my Venus De Milo Soup, Squash Soup, and Kale Soup for the past couple of months. I decided to try something a little different this week and make a Tuscan Soup, with the classic,… Continue reading Tuscan Soup Recipe

The Kitchen

EASY Valentine Chocolate Bark

I’m over on Mom Generations today sharing a SUPER EASY Valentine treat! Come check out how easy it is make Valentine Chocolate Bark.