Fitness · The Kitchen

Fitness Friday – 5 Immune Boosting Foods

Well like it or not cold and flu season is upon us. First things first, prevention. Wash those hands people! Another great tip is loading up on immune boosting foods. I did the research for you. Here are the top 5 that are super easy to incorporate into your daily diet. Greens: Kale & Spinach… Continue reading Fitness Friday – 5 Immune Boosting Foods

The Kitchen

Chocolate Graveyard Halloween Fun

Looking for a FUN and EASY Halloween treat to make this week? This Chocolate Graveyard I shared on Mom Generations last year is super fun and delicious! The kids will really enjoy it! Ingredients: Chocolate pudding mix Chocolate graham crackers Milano cookies White chocolate covered pretzels Edible, writable pen Make some chocolate pudding as directed on the back… Continue reading Chocolate Graveyard Halloween Fun

The Kitchen

EASY for Kids, Monster Pops

Looking for an easy “cake pop” hack. You’ve come to the right place. My kids wanted to make “cake pops.” Well… I’m not a cake pop kind of mom. It’s too much fuss. There was no way I was buying another pan or appliance for the kitchen, so I cheated and they LOVED them! I took the… Continue reading EASY for Kids, Monster Pops