The Kitchen

Zucchini Chips and Small Triumphs

I usually end up with a ton of zucchini from my garden come the end of summer. I’m always giving it away. My husband won’t eat it, and my kids will only have the required bite or two (trying it). Well, I finally succeeded in getting my husband to not only eat, but actually enjoy zucchini.… Continue reading Zucchini Chips and Small Triumphs

The Kitchen

The Joys of a Garden – Cucumber Tomato Salad

I started garden a few years ago and I LOVE it. There is nothing like fresh vegetables right from your own backyard. One of my favorite things to do is go out to the garden while I’m making dinner and harvest a few vegetables to put on the table that night. One of my go-to… Continue reading The Joys of a Garden – Cucumber Tomato Salad

The Kitchen

Mediterranean Tuna Salad Recipe

I’m sharing my Mediterranean Tuna Salad over on Mom Generations today! It’s full of yummy capers, olives, and lemon. Don’t miss it. You’ll be wishing you were cruising the turquoise sea. Enjoy!