The Crafty Collaborative · The Kitchen

Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes – thumbs up

Over at The Crafty Collaborative we tried out Turtlewoman’s paleo pumpkin pancakes, and I must stay they were delicious and guilt-free! Go check them out! here

The Kitchen

Chicken Sausage Saute

I’m always trying to find a nice quick week-night meal. Tonight I wanted to try something different. I’m sick of plain old chicken, fish, pork, and steak. I decided I would try chicken sausage. Although my children of course turned up their noses and opted for cheese/olive quesadillas, or as Finn calls it “pizzadilla,” my… Continue reading Chicken Sausage Saute

The Crafty Collaborative · The Kitchen

NY Times “Best” Chocolate Chip Cookie

When the New York Times has picked the “Best” Chocolate Chip Cookie ever…my chocolate-loving self just HAS to try them. Maren posted up this pin on our “On Deck” Pinterest board. I immediately knew I wanted to give them a try…seeing I already make the “best” chocolate chip cookies (according to my in-laws). Come on… Continue reading NY Times “Best” Chocolate Chip Cookie