
What’s In Your Treasure?

Okay I’ve had enough of winter, the cold, the numbing cold. We were trapped in the house the entire weekend aside from a little trip over to my parents’ house. Going to a germ infested indoor playground was not going to happen. No thank you to that. I’m running out of ideas for some indoor… Continue reading What’s In Your Treasure?


A Boy & His Puppy

I never saw the resemblance before. It never really clicked until last night. I went into the boys’ room to check on them before going to bed. Like most mothers, I lingered a while and watched them sleep. Deacon was clutching on to his puppy. Now Deacon as a baby and toddler was never attached… Continue reading A Boy & His Puppy


A Sleepover Necessity

My mom called me last week to see if the boys would be interested in having “individual” sleepovers with Grammie and Pop. A little one-on-one time. I found the idea abolutely wonderful and so did the boys. When I first told them about it they jumped up and down with excitement and then Deacon disappeared. Ten… Continue reading A Sleepover Necessity